17th International Congress on Polymers in Concrete ICPIC 2023
Warsaw, Poland, September 17-20th, 2023

> Main Building, Pl.Politechniki 1 (18.09.2023)
> Rektorska 4 (19 – 20.09.2023)

Our organization goal is worldwide distribution and sharing of knowledge, experience, technology of polymers in concrete in all industrial and scientific fields: Material, Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Transportation Engineering.

Important part of ICPIC Congress 2023 will be Special Symposium under title “C-PC in Circular Economy: Searching for a New Paradigm” organized by Building Research Institute (ITB) under chairmanship of Professor Lech Czarnecki.
The aim of the ICPIC 2023 Congress is the exchange of multidisciplinary knowledge on an application of polymers “in concrete” and “on concrete”: from the modification of the composition of the concrete using modern admixtures and additives, through alternative binders (e.g. geopolymers, sulfur concrete, etc.), polymer composites for the reinforcement of concrete (e.g. fibers and FRP bars and FRP strengthening systems), improvement of the properties of the concrete surface (e.g. impregnation, hydrophobization and coatings) to special properties like self-healing, self-cleaning or energy consumption control with PCM (Phase Changing Materials).
Important part of ICPIC Congress 2023 will be Special Symposium under title “C-PC in Circular Economy: Searching for a New Paradigm” organized by Building Research Institute (ITB) under chairmanship of Professor Lech Czarnecki.
A dedicated open-access Book of proceedings entitled “International Congress on Polymers in Concrete (IPCIC 2023). Cement-Polymer Composites in Circular Economy” will be published by Springer publisher – a part of Springer Nature.
The authors of selected papers will be welcome to publish extended papers in indexed journals (Web of Science Clarivate, Scopus, Google Scholars, etc):
- Archives of Civil Engineering, ISSN 1230-2945, quarterly journal of the Polish Academy of Sciences:Committee for Civil and Water Engineering and Warsaw University of Technology: Faculty of Civil Engineering (https://ace.il.pw.edu.pl/)
- Materials, EISSN 1996-1944, Published by MDPI with a 30% discount (https://www.mdpi.com/journal/materials)
- Materiały Budowlane – Science, ISSN 0137-2971, E-ISSN 2449-951X, the oldest (published since 1946) peer-reviewed technical and scientific journal in Poland (https://science.materialybudowlane.info.pl/)
I hope we will meet in Warsaw in 2023.

The 17th ICPIC Congress Chairman
Warsaw University of Technology, Poland

Important Dates:
- Abstracts Final Deadline: March 30, 2023
- Final Notification of Acceptance of Abstracts: April 4, 2023
- Final Deadline for Paper Submission for Peer Review: May 22, 2023
- Notification of Acceptance of Full Papers: May 29, 2023
- Final Camera Ready Paper: June 5, 2023
Special Symposium
Warsaw, Poland, September 18th, 2023
Important part of ICPIC Congress 2023 will be Special Symposium under title “C-PC in Circular Economy: Searching for a New Paradigm” organized by Building Research Institute (ITB) under chairmanship of Professor Lech Czarnecki.